Friday, October 9, 2009

Pumkin Patch

We took Gracie to the pumpkin patch to pick out a pumpkin. I was so happy when we got there and there was no one else there looking for pumpkins. We were at a good time, no other school etc. Gracie really enjoyed this!

Monday, October 5, 2009

Last week

Another picture of the little one!

Some of what my husband did with his time off. He brought me home some flowers! Heey

Sunday, September 27, 2009

David Wayne

He is Here! ! ! ! !
We have been so blessed

They were singing him a song!


Going on home outfit from the hospital

Gracie really wanted to go outside and play while daddy was mowing but it started to rain. So we just put on a rain jacket and said have fun! Doesn't she look cute?

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Pictures from Hanging Rock

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Oh I know they are only words, but what are people thinking...! ! ! !

"oh my when are you due?, you are huge."

"Boy you are really poking out there"

"Just when are you due, you look like it want be long"

"Oh my Look at how big you have got.!"

"You have another 2 months, your baby is going to be big!"

okay just a few, but boy this week they have really bothered me. oh well, just one of them things I guess...

Friday, August 7, 2009


Jonathan enjoys playing ball. Here is a few pictures of him. I have only been to about 2-3 games this year. I have really missed going, but between work, times of games and swollen legs and feet that is just how it happened this year.

in Memory

Flowers that my mom got in Memory of Pa. It has almost been 3 years. It doesn't seem that long. Does it ever get any easier missing someone that meant so much to you. I ask myself that all the time escpecially on the days that I think about it alot.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009


Continue from the family Blog's - Just a few thoughts.
.....I loved reading there blog about Abigails prayer. In fact the whole idea of “believing” has been on my mind alot lately. One of the messages Sunday in a nutshell was the sin of unbelief. How many times do we pray about something and wonder if God really hears us and really believe we are going to get an answer. We say we believe God but if we really do how much more would be closer to God, pray like we should, receive the blessings and let God get the victory in our lives. If we only believed like a child. I remember when before we knew we were pregnant Gracie had the idea to pray for a brother or a sister. We were not trying and were not seriously talking about when we thought about having a second child. But she knew what her hearts desire was. She would just tell me “Mommy I just pray to Jesus about it then” All I could say is okay hunny. It wasn’t long, about a couple of months I was asking Jonathan to meet me at Panera Bread so I could let him know what was new in our lives. It is amazing how God can work even in the life of a child. This just reminds me to believe in our Savior more, and maybe it is hitting me right now in my life bc of so many questions of what to think, how to feel and what to do right now in my life. SO many un answers, but in reality Jesus does have the answer. RIght?

This has been an interesting week and even as I am writing pray for my husband as he is talking to this guy on the phone about believing. This guy has a lot of questions, although he does believe there is a God. I just pray that God will give him the wisdom and knowledge to know how to approach and what to say in right way and time to help this guy. Our prayer is that one day this guy will be saved.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Time is Coming Along.

Time is coming along with this pregnancy. I have had another visit with the high risk doctor and an upcoming visit this week with the OB doctor. With still suppose to be taking it easy, anemia, hyperthyroidism-Probably pregancy induce, and a minor blood clotting disorder I am doing pretty good. Better than a couple of weeks ago. Contiue to pray please!
The doctors did not really want me to travel this weekend but I was pretty much set on going, so we headed off to the mountains. Friday Jonathan went to work at his Johnson City Tennessee store and then headed to Geigh's for the night. For me and Gracie she finished up on her last day of dance camp. She had a fun filled busy week. Ballet, tap, acrbatics, field trips, stories, music, pledge, crafts. She says her favorite was ballet. Then after lunch she had her 4 year old check up. I didn't tell her till then we were going to the doctor, she was so funny. She said, "Mommy, why am I going to the doctor, Do I have problems?" She thought something was wrong. So I did my best to explain these visits are to keep you healthy. Then went to pick up my mom bc she was going to take Gracie to Tweetsie on Sat. We stopped that night in North Wilksboro bc I had been in the car long enough. Dr said no more than an hour at a time. Ate supper, looked at the town, and stayed in a hotel. Sat. morning got up and headed up the mountain. Dropped them off at Tweetsie and then went to Jonathans grandparents (to rest) and just hang out. After they got done with Tweetsie we went back. Gracie told Geigh, I brought my Nana this time. Like she was show and tell or something. Cute right. Gracie rode the John Deere tractor for the first time. No tears, she enjoyed herself. I must not forget. Her little face lights up when she gets to see her Uncle Tommy!

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Moments Unexpected.

Well, it is 11:00pm and I have been hospitlaized for about 24hrs now. Possible placental abruption. This is just not me sitting. I am trying really hard to be patient and do well. Baby is active and okay, just a risk of him coming early now. Scary, we have nothing ready. Shouldn't normally be no big deal seeing this is my 24 week. 6 months. but not good now. Got to get ready faster, I guess. Just in case. Bless Gracie's little heart, she doesn't understand and this makes me very sad when left crying tonight, not so much that you can say to a certain point to an almost 4 year old. Jonathan is a little better on in to tonight, last night he was pretty much in a big panic. God is still in control, so we will all be okay in the end.
Okay I am going to go. Just trying to find something to do will I do nothing.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Our Sweet Little Girl!

Our Little Winner

Okay, so it is a little late, but last week at church we had awards nights for our Kids for Christ that is now over for the summer. During the year on Wed nights the kids go to there classes on Wed nights and have lessons, bible verses they memorize, etc. At the end of the year for the classes they add up the points and to make it all short, the last night of class the teacher said guess who had the most points in our class. It was Gracie! I knew that she always loved going and enjoyed learning her verses but in the end it really showed. I was so surprised but last week when she walked in front of the whole church to get her medal I was so proud. She was so cute walking down the aisle.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Dr. Visits

Sometimes I think you can just be in a fog, and wonder what is going to happen next, and leaves you with ??? 's but you don't know what to say or even what to feel expect for that all you can do is PRAY!
Last week I had apt with my cardiologist, they had to do adjustments to my pacemaker and they tried to do lots of explaining about why but I almost felt like tons of things were going through my mind. This is not what I was expecting. Jonathan was going to come with me to the dr but for some reason something came up and I told him, don't worry about it this should be short and sweet and everything will be fine. Well it was don't get me wrong, but after being there for more than 2 hours and just wanted to get back to work. Then on Thurs afternoon-1:00pm we had to go see the high risk dr. for pregnancy. Needless to say, after ultrasound, dr consult, and 7 vials of blood drawn we got to leave at almost 4:00pm. Not like what we thought either. We honestly thought this dr visit was going to be a waste of time-wow what do we know. We walked out to the parking lot together that afternoon, and just looked at each other, didn't really know what to say. Then on Friday was our regular OB apt. Gracie is out of school now so I took her with me. She got to hold the monitor and feel the baby's heart beat. She felt real special to take a part in this. More blood work which came back yesterday showing potassium to low. (For my family-I think I need to invest into the gatorade company I can not seems to get aways from it) haha. It is so interesting to see how things go sometimes. Just keep holding on to the faith

Tuesday, May 19, 2009


Someone is excited about being a big sister. We took her out to eat icecream and open up her gift that had "I am the big sister" shirt to tell her. She knows her months so that is one way we explained to her about when the baby would be here, it was so cute the next morning when she asked is it still May, what month is it. Hopeing it would be a little closer to the big day.

Where have we been?

Anybody missed us???
I love reading everybody's blog, and thanks Kelli for wondering where we were. Things have definetly been different, or I guess alot going on. More than I can mention in this little segment. Our little baby is growing, Gracie is enjoying learning different things at school and all the fun events at the end of the school year. Jonathan's job has had him traveling alot in the last couple of weeks. Minnosota, South Carolina, Tennessee, Charlotte, etc several days. I don't mind being at home by myself, but sometimes I need a break from that and need him home. It just isn't the same. Although I can't complain about his job, it is what pays the bills and when he is home normally when he is home, in town I should say he is very flexible, he is able to help out with Gracie and a couple of days he has met me for lunch. Oh yes, I have a new job. I am no longer at the cancer center at Baptist. I am now working at a Family Practice. This is very different. Actually I get to see more and do more "nurse things" The people are nice which is a big help and not what I was use to. Thank you Lord especially for that. Also several doctor apt.this month, cardiologist, baby doctor and also they are sending my to Baptist so see a high risk doctor for pregancy. I am not to excited about it, but hope it turns out better than what I think, just nervous. We have also had some different family things going on. But the big one which I am sure you all know about now was Jonathans calling to preach. Something you just can't explain is to watch the Lord work in someone's life. To see the changes day by day. Last summer we started attending Woodland Baptist Church, I knew Jonathan was saved but sometimes Gracie and I would just go to church by ourself, etc but this last year, not a service missed and is excited about going. It is so amazing how especially in the last 2 months how the Lord has changed and worked and is continually. Not only are things different for him, but so many emotions ran through my mind and heart as well. I pray that the Lord will keep molding me into what he would have me to be day by day and that I will always have a servants heart. I do think it is different when you know you are marrying into verses us. I think that is why I have had so many emotions. More than anything I look forward to see what God has in store for our lives. Please pray for us! ! !

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Easter Egg Hunt.

Today (of course not today, I had started this but didn't finish) we went to a Easter Egg Hunt at the Park. Madison and Ashyln went with Gracie and I believe they had so much fun. The Egg hunt begin and then afterwards they all got a prize and a good bag. It was very nice. Then Gracie had some play time with Ashlyn and Madison. I believe that little girl had a good day

Tuesday, March 3, 2009


OKay for those of you who are wondering., what Jonathan meant "feed baby Jericho"
Yes the Lord has blessed us with a baby. So nervous and exciting at the same time...Come end of Sept begining of Oct we hope to have a new addition to our family. He calls the baby Jericho just to drive me nuts. No baby is going to be called Jericho by me. lol..Thank you Lord for this miracle of life.

The flower that Jonathan gave me the day after our first doctors appointment. He surprised me at work with it. ..


Okay so this is Jonathan, Jennifer's super lucky husband. Please bear with me while I tell you about our awsome day yesterday with Gracie and her first BIG snow. The story has to begin with Sunday night as a white wall ripped through the foothills of North Carolina bringing with it sleet, snow, a estatic Gracie and Jennifer and a fretting Jonathan. When we woke up at 5:40 to get Jennifer to her first day at her new job there was at least 6 inches of snow on the ground and at least 1.5 inches of ice underneath that. We watched and prayed to see if her doctors office was going to close down that day but no luck there so I braved the morning cold to start by Geekmobile to take her to work. I spent 20 min getting the car ready to warming it up, scraping the windows at all that mess. So all that work is done and I start to back out of the driveway and my car slides off the driveway and gets stuck!!! :( I was beyond frustrated but I wanted to get my beautiful wife to work so I turn the Geekmobile off and get her keys to the Equinnox and begin the process agian. We FINALLY get on the road and we head twoard her work, after stopping to get gas and get Jennifer some breakfast (Gotta feed Jericho) We drive the 40 min it takes to get her to work and guess what. The place is closed and since this is her first day she is not on the call list so she has no idea. She had to spend 15 minuets calling around just to find out if she is off that day. Oh well it was fun driving in the ice. So I take her to work with me for a minute and try to get her to let me buy a bunch of stuff (she said no) so on to home we go. On the way home the coolest thing happened we turned the radio to 95.5 and we start to listen to a preacher talk about the relationship between a husband and wife. He said one thing that really stuck out with me and I hope maybe you can think about it too. "When God created someone for Adam he did not creat 10 buddies to hang out with, he created on woman to be a help meet." Pretty cool huh! Why do some of us want to spend so much time wanting to hang out with our friends when the one person God created for us is at home wanting to be a part of our life?

Jennifer here, so yes. I got the option to go to one of our other offices or go home and call it a day and still get paid either way I choose.....So yes i choose to go home and enjoy my snow day with Gracie. Before hand when i still didn't know what was going on with work I got a call about 7:20am. A little girl had just woke up and seen the snow for the first time and she me and said ."Mommy there is snow outside, so much snow, can you come home and play outside with me.??" In such the sweetest voice and my heart was melting. We had a great day playing outside. Go out, come in side and get warm, then go back out...oh how she loved playing in the snow. She was not one bit scared. Jonathan hung out for a little while then he had to do a converance call and meet a guy to give keys so we had a fun morning at my mom's. We took the sleds , and memories were brought back for me. Took the sled put on top of a desent hill and down she went. She loved it. That evenening we played in our yard and made snow cream...Oh what a great day. Thank you Lord for this great time together with everyone. These are days that will stick out in my heart for days and years to come.
