Saturday, January 31, 2009

Friday Night.

Last night Come home from work. Extremely tired and different stuff going on. You know how it is..Debated if we were still going to our church's school spagetti supper and basketball game. We decided to still go. Supper was good and so was the game. We were playing Gospel Light Christian School. The school you just have to beat..right. The girls won but the guys did not. But it was so close. Gracie has enjoyed the past two games more than I thought she would. She loves watching the cheerleaders and tries to do what they do, but then she also asks when can I play basketball, Wonder what she will end up doing or liking the most years down the road playing basketball or cheering.????

For the Ritchey's here is Aunt Aletha with Gracie-I believe Gracie loves know that Aletha will help her bc she is capable of putting her gloves on my herself but she really wanted help from

Ready for Bed

Our nightly routine..
Gracie unless she is extremely hungry doesn't usually eat alot at one time. She grazes though out the day. Maybe like me. Normally I like to eat 2 or 3 hours. LOL. They even know me at work. I usually have some kind of snack around. Unless I haven't been to the grocery I am just kidding. Anyways by the time we are getting ready to go to bed she usually gets some kind of snack. Maybe a piece of cheese, or yogurt. This one night she still had the silly giggles while drinking her milk as we were trying to wind things down. She was being to funny. So what do you know I grabbed the camera. (Do you think I take too many picture, I just love doing it????)

And then there are stories and prayer...Goodnight Gracie ..I love you..Sweet dreams..Tuck in snug as a bug in a rug...Night light on, music on .. Goodnight I love you ...again.


Thursday, January 29, 2009

Game Time

Gracie got this game for Christmas. She is having fun learning how to get the bean bag in the slot.

On this one particular night (Sat. night)we played with her disney bean bag game, puzzles, and her Bible memory game.(which came from her Grandma and Papaw) She is too smart for the memory game and enjoys getting her matches. She amazes me. She can remember where they are better than I can and the last time I even tried to make it hard. LOL. We were playing all of these in the living room while Mommy and Daddy was watching a movie. Later on that evening my mom and dad came over with a treat of krispy kreme doughnuts and Gracie thought she could get Papa to play her bean bag game. He tried hard from afar off to get them in, and needless to say she thought she could show him how it was done by placing the bean bags in the slot...It was so funny. She is still learning that she has to stand back..This game may take a while....

Fish Night

Last Sat we were at Jonathan's Mom and Dad's for Fish to eat and all of the fixings. The fish came from Forrest, Jonathan and Daniel's fishing trip back in October of 08 My favorite was the shrimp. I think I could have eat the whole bowl. We definetly missed Geigh and Pa, being there. I believe everyone enjoyed there time together.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Snow Nice

We finally got some winter weather. So it wasn't much, just a dusting but nice to see. Gracie was so excited when she woke and saw the snow on the ground, can't imagine what she might have done if we had more. It is so much fun to watch her. Anyways I am still hope more more snow, lots more...

Yes she does have on two different gloves bc after dropping her off at my mom before I went to work she had matching gloves but got them wet from playing and oh no, can't wear wet gloves. So these were extras for a quick trip outside to play.

Thursday, January 15, 2009


Spaghetti for Supper. Gracie enjoys spaghetti. This is what we had tonight. Another long night for Jonathan so we went ahead and ate. We took our time eating, that is how I took some pictures. We had a little mess but that is okay bc we still had fun.

Thankfullness and Tested

For those of you who were aware that Jonathan's job was at stake, we were not sure if he was going to loose his job or not. Well, Wednesday was the big day for us to find out. Tues and Wed he spent in Charlotte in meetings with the "big dogs". I only talked to him a few Tues night on the phone so by Wed. Morning I couldn't take it anymore I went ahead and text him, and he text back and said that it was "not a good day so far". That was it, my mind was really wondering then. So I just let it go, prayed again and went back to work. About 5:45pm that night he called and said that it had been a rough day but they told him that his job "was safe right now". Thank you LORD! Best Buy is planning on letting some employee's go, so it may mean more work load for him. Just being the wife, but I think he definetly does his share around there. I want get off on that so, just wanted to let you guys know our answer to a prayer this week. Our God Never Fails

Oh well my job as been really tested the last couple of weeks. So please pray for me. I was really excited when I first got this job nearly a year 1/2 ago. I work at the Comprehensive Cancer Center at Wake Forest Unveristiy Baptist Medical Center. I work with the Surgeons. I have since Nursing school been interested in Cancer. That was my second pick besides Cardiology being # 1, I am sure you all know why. Anyways, we deal with General, Breat, ENT, Thyroid Cancers and ...? feel like I am leaving something out. Anyways a very busy clinic... It is amazing to me how many new cancer patients we get everyday.Oh how we are blessed. Last week our Manager was out then our Assistant underneath her decided to be out. so who does that leave in charge...???? That is right ME. Now this was very eye opening. It is amazing what people will try and get away with when the boss is away. This wasn't easy for bc I am not use to being in charge and making the decisions. It probably wouldn't do for me to be boss all the time..ha ha just kidding. Lots of over time the past two weeks, along with some of work issues so I am extremely tired. Mentally and Physically.

Gracie-Sweet Gracie. She has started back to school since her Christmas break and very excited. Reviewing of all her letters, Number and shapes. Enjoying saying the months of the year, and preparing to begin to write her name.

Well that is a little about what is going on right now.
