Just a little about our little family.
Psalms 118:1 O give thanks unto the LORD; for he is good: because his mercy endureth for ever
Friday, August 7, 2009
Jonathan enjoys playing ball. Here is a few pictures of him. I have only been to about 2-3 games this year. I have really missed going, but between work, times of games and swollen legs and feet that is just how it happened this year.
Yes there were home runs. At that particular bat time I prayed for him to get a base hit because the team had already hit the limit of home runs they could have in one game.
Looks like fun! Pretty soon he'll have a little guy to play catch with :)
Any home runs?
Yes there were home runs. At that particular bat time I prayed for him to get a base hit because the team had already hit the limit of home runs they could have in one game.
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