Saturday, June 13, 2009

Moments Unexpected.

Well, it is 11:00pm and I have been hospitlaized for about 24hrs now. Possible placental abruption. This is just not me sitting. I am trying really hard to be patient and do well. Baby is active and okay, just a risk of him coming early now. Scary, we have nothing ready. Shouldn't normally be no big deal seeing this is my 24 week. 6 months. but not good now. Got to get ready faster, I guess. Just in case. Bless Gracie's little heart, she doesn't understand and this makes me very sad when left crying tonight, not so much that you can say to a certain point to an almost 4 year old. Jonathan is a little better on in to tonight, last night he was pretty much in a big panic. God is still in control, so we will all be okay in the end.
Okay I am going to go. Just trying to find something to do will I do nothing.


Kelli said...

I'm so sorry Jennifer!

How long do you have to stay in the hospital? We're praying for you!!

Mom said...


You, the little one, JD and Gracie are on our hearts and in our prayers. There is so much going on right now in the family. It is so good knowing our Heavely Father loves us, and He IS in control.

We love you!!!

Unknown said...

Thank you for the prayers. Please continue
