Yes the Lord has blessed us with a baby. So nervous and exciting at the same time...Come end of Sept begining of Oct we hope to have a new addition to our family. He calls the baby Jericho just to drive me nuts. No baby is going to be called Jericho by me. lol..Thank you Lord for this miracle of life.

The flower that Jonathan gave me the day after our first doctors appointment. He surprised me at work with it. ..
Congratulations! I am so happy for you, Jonathan, and Gracie! "Baby Jericho" - sounds like a boy name to me! :)
Love you guys!
I hope it's a BOY!!! I also hope you are kidding about Jonathan Wayne :)
So, since the word is out ... can I start being excited and telling everyone who doesn't read the blog's?
Hooray! That is so exciting!
Sounds like you might need to use "Joshua" to fight the battle of Jericho! Joshua Ritchey...cute! :)
what's that about Jonathan Wayne - he would be Jon Wayne? hmmm
Whatever the name he will be a blessing and much loved I'm sure!
The meaning behind Jonathan Wayne is because i love my husband and his name, and Wayne is after my grandfather who has passed away...That has been on our minds for a long time. Before we even knew we were pregnant.
just be happy Jonathan isn't calling it what my friend is calling hers..."cleatus the fetus" haha!
Where have you been?? We need updates!
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