Tuesday, November 5, 2013


Friday I went to the Ladies Conference at Gospel Light. (It is a yearly tradition for the girls in my family) It is always such a blessing.
Sat. Work around the house and getting the Winter clothes out...Yuck. I don't like being cold. But I don't like being in a hot scratchy sweater. Yes I know that is different. The only thing I like about the Winter is if it is cold enough in the snow. The snow is so pretty and yes fun to play in.
Then Sat. evening Chicken stew over at Martha Anders. ( I just love her) with the Ritchey family. Thinking maybe I should fix chicken stew sometime. Not that I can't just always left it up to everyone else....haha.
Sunday - how thankful I am of our church. We have been blessed with a great church. Sometimes I am guilty of this. But I went in the main service for a few of the choir songs and then went back to our 5th grade class. There were 37 precious children. That is right 37 of them. It seems like the class is growing. This class is amazing at how well behaved they are...
For lunch we headed to Chili's to eat for Aaron's birthday then headed to the mountains to Geigh's. But first stopped at Temple for church. It was great to spend some up their. The kids were excited. David didn't take a nap at all going up he kept asking us, "Going to Geigh's?" Then back home in time for Jonathan to get to college.

1 comment:

Mom said...

Great weekend! So happy to spend some time with you at the chicken stew, and you got to spend some time with Geigh.
