Saturday, November 2, 2013


Creation Celebration at church on Wed. night. The kids could dress up as an animal that God created or either a Bible character. So David Wayne was a Doggy. Gracie as Miram. She had asked for weeks for this. At first I was not sure how I was going to pull it off. I am not very creative nor do I know how to sew (wish I did) and did not just have material laying around. I finally just decided to take her angel costume that she had wore for several years already apart and tied a burlap belt around her. Not the grandest but it worked and she was happy! ..
After church the adults lined up around the gym and the kids walked around and got candy. They stayed dressed up during classes on Wed night.

Andrew as a cute little cow

He says oh wow I got candy!

walking through the hall at church getting ready to go home!

1 comment:

Kelli said...

Adorable!! Great pics!
