Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Tues Tues.

You would think it was Monday.. Just felt like Blah all day! But it is okay. At least I got to be with my sweet family. Just one of those days.
Morning routine going before we headed out to our Homeschool group. then on to the Gym class that the YMCA puts on for homeschoolers. Today's schedule was stretches, games , then the pool. Which is good because we are working on Gracie's fear of water. It is getting better but this helps so we don't have any set backs. I attempted to get in with David but he wasn't feeling it much today...Maybe it was to cold for him. So home to start supper then., Chili it was! Nothing to fancy....Housework etc.......and then around 7:00-3:30 no sign of David and it was quiet. That little boy was in his room with light out in the bed. I asked him what he was doing and he said it's dark night night time. So I said ok, lets say our prayers and he let me know he already did. I asked him, how and he said ...to Jesus. Good night mommy, love you..Well don't guess he needed me tonight...:)

1 comment:

Mom said...

Your little fellow is growing up. Sad, I know. He is still your baby, and still needs you, but he is growing up ;)
