Saturday, August 3, 2013

My Children are PRECIOUS. Really. It is amazes me the things you can try and teach them throughout the day. From potty training, to being kind to other, to teaching how to count money and division, to let's talk kindly.And some things you have to do them over and over and over and over...haha. And you wonder, is it sinking in?. Do they get it? Did you explain it right. Wait I just said that an hour ago to them....But I wouldn't change it for anything. Now if you are wondering, aww they must have had a bad day. No actually it's just some things that go through my mind with being a mom you. Hoping and praying I am doing this right. Do them right the best way possible. Lead them in the right direction. I am not perfect by no means, but just pray in the end that they will know what it means to live the right way and that is for the Lord.

1 comment:

Betty said...

They are so precious. Love them!!!
