We didn't tell the kids we were going until we left that morning. David said I got a prize for surprise and Gracie kept asking are we there yet. They were anxious to get there and we had a great day together. They were well behaved and believe they enjoyed their time. Perfect weather top it off.
Just a little about our little family. Psalms 118:1 O give thanks unto the LORD; for he is good: because his mercy endureth for ever
Saturday, August 17, 2013
Zoo Trip on 8-15-13
Zoo Trip.
We didn't tell the kids we were going until we left that morning. David said I got a prize for surprise and Gracie kept asking are we there yet. They were anxious to get there and we had a great day together. They were well behaved and believe they enjoyed their time. Perfect weather top it off.
We didn't tell the kids we were going until we left that morning. David said I got a prize for surprise and Gracie kept asking are we there yet. They were anxious to get there and we had a great day together. They were well behaved and believe they enjoyed their time. Perfect weather top it off.
School is in Session.
Well we have officially started our homeschool journey. I covet your prayers as we do this. I am sure I have lots to learn and every day will not be easy. But after much prayers for months this kept staying on my mind. I believe we are accountable for our precious children in every aspect and pray that I can do her right. I am not perfect in any way and hope and pray that this will all go well and I can make the right decision. She is like a little sponge that soaks everything up. We didn't go full force this week but we both have learned this week. Monday morning I was so proud of her. She got up so well and dressed (early) and was ready to start. Tuesday she went with our church with my mom to the victory junction in Randleman NC.Victory Junction is a year-round camping facility that serves children, ages 6 to 16, with chronic medical conditions or serious illnesses. During the summer, Victory Junction offers disease-specific sessions with up to 128 children per session. I believe she enjoyed her time and of course they stopped and ate at the Crackle Barrel. We worked on school work that evening when she got home. We called it a Field trip day!
And another fun day on Thursday. Thanks to my mom we went to ZOO. It was wonderful to enjoy time as a family. The kids enjoyed their time and were for sure tired when we got home.!
Of course had to take a picture of the first day of school. I asked her to choose her school book of her favorite subject. Who could have guessed she would have chose reading as her favorite. Love her!
And another fun day on Thursday. Thanks to my mom we went to ZOO. It was wonderful to enjoy time as a family. The kids enjoyed their time and were for sure tired when we got home.!
Of course had to take a picture of the first day of school. I asked her to choose her school book of her favorite subject. Who could have guessed she would have chose reading as her favorite. Love her!
7 years ago today.
Heavy mind and heart yesterday. It was on my mind about what happened 7 years ago. My pa passed away. I love what kind of man he was. You don't find many men like that today. Hard working, loved God, kept his word. and many more qualities that could go on and on. Thankful for the time we did have but I would be wrong if I didn't admit wish I could have one of his hugs. Although it is comforting to know I will see him one glorious day! Thank you Lord for blessing me to be born in his family to allow me to be his granddaughter.
Geigh's 80th birthday!
Last weekend we were in Banner Elk for Geigh's birthday!
The Birthday cake!
Happy Happy Birthday to a special Grandmother!
Somebody really loves his Geigh
The visit isn't complete without some time with Tommy! We were surprised to look out the window and see David Wayne wanted to get on the gator after the accident a couple of months ago. But he was in safe hands. And got a treat. An apple. It's something that he likes to eat Apples.
He was wore out. Not sure he was feeling the best the day of the party. We hadn't even ate yet. But he would lay around or want to be held.
Taking a walk Sat. morning at Geigh's.
David wasn't in the mood for a picture
Waiting for the party to begin
The Birthday cake!
Happy Happy Birthday to a special Grandmother!
Somebody really loves his Geigh
The visit isn't complete without some time with Tommy! We were surprised to look out the window and see David Wayne wanted to get on the gator after the accident a couple of months ago. But he was in safe hands. And got a treat. An apple. It's something that he likes to eat Apples.
He was wore out. Not sure he was feeling the best the day of the party. We hadn't even ate yet. But he would lay around or want to be held.
Taking a walk Sat. morning at Geigh's.
Gracie and Jaelyn.
David wasn't in the mood for a picture
A few weeks back from Thirty-One National Conference.
Thirty-One National Conference. Atlanta Georgia. Kerri and I and the big birthday cake for the company celebrating 10yrs. Loved the sessions and classes. And of course the FREE products that they give you!
It was huge. Over 16,000 women. Next year there will be two conferences. One in Ohio and one in Colorado. I think I will head to Colorado...:)
Below were some of the company values.
It was huge. Over 16,000 women. Next year there will be two conferences. One in Ohio and one in Colorado. I think I will head to Colorado...:)
Below were some of the company values.
And this was Jonathan's shirt that was brought home. Actually he asked for me to bring him one back.:)
Having fun at home place. We all enjoyed our time in the water. Do you see that big water slide in the background? That was a 3 year old little boys favorite thing to do. Literally went up it probably 10 times.
Having a snack
Grandma's House.
Headed to Virginia to see Grandma. JoAnn was in town so she was there too. While we were there the miniature pony got out. So we hiked up to Madeline and Willard's and put it back in to the fence. That was a site....haha. I think my mom out done Jonathan and I trying to get the pony back in.
The Lerands in Town.
Amanda, Paul, Abigail and Silas were in. We saw them shortly on Monday night. They were getting ready to eat. Cookout on the deck and then kids played.
Sweet Frog
Sweet Frog-Frozen Yogurt. Love it. We were on our way home from Banner Elk for Geigh's birthday and we stopped in Wilkesboro. Love the cheesecake one. Delicious! ! ! Oh and you can't forget to put a few toppings on top. This day the cute little frog was out. Gracie loved it. David Wayne not so much.
The F.R.O.G. in sweet Frog stands for Fully Rely On God.
5th Grade Church
Well today was our Last Sunday with our group of kids in our 5th grade church. It was move up Sunday. So they moved up and we got a new group of kids. These were a great group but for sure knew how to keep you on your toes and kept things exciting. My favorite time was prayer request time with these kids. It amazes me some Sundays the things they would request prayer for that I take for granted and something would just break your heart. Like one Sunday near Fathers day a kid requested prayer for traveling and for help because they were going to see their father in jail in another state that weekend. Others for family members who had just died, for situations in school they are facing and so on. Very thankful we were a small part of their lives. They are very special and thankful the Lord allows us to be a part.
Below are some of the precious kids!
We have a Frog in the House!
Isn't he the Cutest Little Frog you have ever seen. Just after bath time and this is his favorite towel. This particular night it took a while before I could get his pajamas on. Had to convince him to put his pajamas on then he could put his towel over them. He would say "I'm a rabbit. Ribit Ribit over and over.
Saturday, August 3, 2013
My Children are PRECIOUS. Really. It is amazes me the things you can try and teach them throughout the day. From potty training, to being kind to other, to teaching how to count money and division, to let's talk kindly.And some things you have to do them over and over and over and over...haha. And you wonder, is it sinking in?. Do they get it? Did you explain it right. Wait I just said that an hour ago to them....But I wouldn't change it for anything. Now if you are wondering, aww they must have had a bad day. No actually it's just some things that go through my mind with being a mom you. Hoping and praying I am doing this right. Do them right the best way possible. Lead them in the right direction. I am not perfect by no means, but just pray in the end that they will know what it means to live the right way and that is for the Lord.
Friday, August 2, 2013
Summer Baseball is over..:(

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Blog Archive
- Zoo Trip on 8-15-13
- School is in Session.
- 7 years ago today.
- Geigh's 80th birthday!
- A few weeks back from Thirty-One National Conference.
- Homeplace
- Grandma's House.
- If you hadn't heard. Jonathan got up early around...
- The Lerands in Town.
- Sweet Frog
- 5th Grade Church
- We have a Frog in the House!
- My Children are PRECIOUS. Really. It is amazes me ...
- Summer Baseball is over..:(