Anybody missed us???
I love reading everybody's blog, and thanks Kelli for wondering where we were. Things have definetly been different, or I guess alot going on. More than I can mention in this little segment. Our little baby is growing, Gracie is enjoying learning different things at school and all the fun events at the end of the school year. Jonathan's job has had him traveling alot in the last couple of weeks. Minnosota, South Carolina, Tennessee, Charlotte, etc several days. I don't mind being at home by myself, but sometimes I need a break from that and need him home. It just isn't the same. Although I can't complain about his job, it is what pays the bills and when he is home normally when he is home, in town I should say he is very flexible, he is able to help out with Gracie and a couple of days he has met me for lunch. Oh yes, I have a new job. I am no longer at the cancer center at Baptist. I am now working at a Family Practice. This is very different. Actually I get to see more and do more "nurse things" The people are nice which is a big help and not what I was use to. Thank you Lord especially for that. Also several doctor apt.this month, cardiologist, baby doctor and also they are sending my to Baptist so see a high risk doctor for pregancy. I am not to excited about it, but hope it turns out better than what I think, just nervous. We have also had some different family things going on. But the big one which I am sure you all know about now was Jonathans calling to preach. Something you just can't explain is to watch the Lord work in someone's life. To see the changes day by day. Last summer we started attending Woodland Baptist Church, I knew Jonathan was saved but sometimes Gracie and I would just go to church by ourself, etc but this last year, not a service missed and is excited about going. It is so amazing how especially in the last 2 months how the Lord has changed and worked and is continually. Not only are things different for him, but so many emotions ran through my mind and heart as well. I pray that the Lord will keep molding me into what he would have me to be day by day and that I will always have a servants heart. I do think it is different when you know you are marrying into verses us. I think that is why I have had so many emotions. More than anything I look forward to see what God has in store for our lives. Please pray for us! ! !