Monday, August 11, 2014

Nationwide Childrens Hospital Day 2

We were here a few minutes before 8am to be admitted this morning. We have had extremely nice staff. Spoke with two doctors, a child life specialist,  and different nurses.
We had an xray. His belly wasn't as full as it has been in the past since we had given him lots of meds prior to getting here. We were given the option of trying a higher dose of meds right now instead of the NG tube. So we are trying that right now. So far we are still not clear but we are hoping for the best. More med's coming soon.

He was a trooper by the way when putting his IV in. Very impressed how they prepared for it. Emela cream applied along with mini heat packs to make sure they could get a good vein. Momma likes good nursing skills. Speaking of good nursing skills ...He was not crying but when taking his blood pressure and heart rate they were both elevated. They did not waste any time to alert the doctor and checked it several times.

We have walked around a little and visited the playroom.

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Our trip to Nationwide Childrens Hospital Day 1

We left this morning right after Sunday school and went into our 5th grade bus church. I wanted to see them before left to give them their school supplies.
We ended up leaving Gracie here with my mom bc with David not being able to eat but clear liquids today and with the NG tube being put in tomorrow just thought it would be easier on her. I can't wait to see her soon though.

David has done worder full traveling. Very proud of him despite the trip taking longer than expected, between driving in the rain, pulling over to change him, and traffic.

We arrived at the Ronald McDonald House around 8pm. Being able to stay here has been a blessing... I could go on and on about this place but maybe later.

Got us a bite to eat and a tour around the place and settled in for the evening.

One of my favorite verses that I happened to flip to. And oh how the Lord has shown his word to be true to us.

