Monday, August 11, 2014

Nationwide Childrens Hospital Day 2

We were here a few minutes before 8am to be admitted this morning. We have had extremely nice staff. Spoke with two doctors, a child life specialist,  and different nurses.
We had an xray. His belly wasn't as full as it has been in the past since we had given him lots of meds prior to getting here. We were given the option of trying a higher dose of meds right now instead of the NG tube. So we are trying that right now. So far we are still not clear but we are hoping for the best. More med's coming soon.

He was a trooper by the way when putting his IV in. Very impressed how they prepared for it. Emela cream applied along with mini heat packs to make sure they could get a good vein. Momma likes good nursing skills. Speaking of good nursing skills ...He was not crying but when taking his blood pressure and heart rate they were both elevated. They did not waste any time to alert the doctor and checked it several times.

We have walked around a little and visited the playroom.

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Our trip to Nationwide Childrens Hospital Day 1

We left this morning right after Sunday school and went into our 5th grade bus church. I wanted to see them before left to give them their school supplies.
We ended up leaving Gracie here with my mom bc with David not being able to eat but clear liquids today and with the NG tube being put in tomorrow just thought it would be easier on her. I can't wait to see her soon though.

David has done worder full traveling. Very proud of him despite the trip taking longer than expected, between driving in the rain, pulling over to change him, and traffic.

We arrived at the Ronald McDonald House around 8pm. Being able to stay here has been a blessing... I could go on and on about this place but maybe later.

Got us a bite to eat and a tour around the place and settled in for the evening.

One of my favorite verses that I happened to flip to. And oh how the Lord has shown his word to be true to us.


Saturday, July 12, 2014

Motherhood /Parenting.

Gracie is almost 9 and I honestly try not to think about it much if I do I want to cry. Where has the last little bit of time gone. And on top of that David is 4 and his personality is really starting to show. From anything to saying something that has you laughing to no knowing something he is saying came from.
I love them with everything in me and there are sometimes you wonder if anything you are saying is sinking in. A constant repeat of the same things sometimes.. Use kind words, did you forget your manners. be sweet , are you sure that is what you want to do. lets be thoughtful of others.......and so on.....and so on ....and so on. Things you want to teach them and when they don't get it you think I just told them that why ??? Am I invisible? Or I should say did they just do that on purpose. Our kids are not perfect by no means but they are human flesh just like we are ....Honestly I worry sometimes. and just want to make sure I do right by them. Want them to understand what is important. And when something happens it breaks my heart. I get it I know they are only 8 and 4 and I am sure by all means if they were older we would/could run across a lot worse things that can happen. But right now we are forming their foundation in their young years. They are so easily impacted.
When they were little it was more of a physical tired most of the time now it's not only that but emotional too. When you teaching them something sometimes it would be so easy to give in or show them the easy way out. But that isn't teaching them the way the Lord intends to grown in the the right person that they should be. Even something as simple as a clean room. It would be so easy to take 20 minutes and do it all myself and it be done and over with but in the end they are not learning. Instead looks like it will take 2 hours or 2 days to get it done. She would rather clean a toilet than clean her room. Or David decides to push a little boy....Are you kidding me where in the world did that come from. That's not my little boy ...but it was tonight. I about came unglued. Took him to the side. Needless to say we were gone away from the ball game  for a little bit. For some reason I asked him why he did that and he really gave an honest answer to why he did it and well that just made it even harder. Poor little guy he does have to learn too...Enough of my ranting....At the end of the day honestly its just a reminder I couldn't me any more happier to be where we are no now in time with the precious little ones. . I am sure just like the older ones say, you will wish for these days back. I don't know that would change anything. It simply amazes me that the Lord would give you such a huge responsible to help shape their little lives. How humbling I should be to be able to do this. At moments I still just sit in amazement that the Lord would bless me with them.

Getting back

So seems like every time I think about sitting down "just to write" well there is just other things to do but think I will back to it. Maybe it's like a little therapy, not so sure anyone else enjoys it but hope to look back over it in years to come.
So we will see how this goes. (Again)

Lately we have been a little busy. Dance is ending with Gracie for the year and she had her Baton Recital at the Stevens Center in Winston Salem on Sat. afternoon. She was quiet most of the day. I think she was a little nervous. I was for her. But proud of how well she did. Friday night she had rehearsal and well we were trying to figure out where she was suppose to go bc we were suppose to drop her off at a side entrance. We literally figured it out at a stoplight so I just said wait and we jumped out.
Sat. came I got up at 6am ran to Sams to buy food/snacks for the Little League. Needless to say I worked out my arm muscles pushing the buggy around.
I did stop at a yard sale on the way back home. I thought I can do this real fast. I am very careful what I buy but will have to say that I do love finding a good bargain. Ran home to get things ready to go to the ball field for David's ball practice, cleaned up a little bit and headed out the door. It's a lot of fun trying to keep the 4 year olds out of the dirt while trying to learn the basic of baseball.
A sweet lady at our church came by and got David Wayne so we could head out to get ready for Gracie's Recital. Jonathan dropped us off at a  little girls spa to get Gracie's hair done and make up. Let me explain that it was only light pink on her eyes but you really couldn't even see it with lip gloss and glitter and a touch of blush. Honestly not a whole lot but her Daddy was having a really hard time with all this. But she looked very pretty.
Recital was very good. She did very well and learned a lot this year. We attempted to eat with family afterwards and was going to go to Mellow Mushroom since it was just across the street but it was like an hour wait so we didn't get to.
Picked up David in Pilot and he was about exhausted. He had spent the day at the car show with Mrs. Barbara. got to eat with snacks of popcorn and lots of attention.
Sunday was good. A good number in Sunday School. And in 5th grade church the kids were good and we had a few good laughs by some of them. Out for lunch with Betty and Forrest . I got the bad momma award for the day bc David had an accident turned around and his bag isn't in the car. And his extra stuff I try and keep for times like this had just been used too and I did not replace yet. Well this is just great but at least there was a food lion close by.
Back at church early for Teen Choir practice. They are doing great learning some new songs and I think sound pretty good. But guess I am a little partial. They sang during church service and was a blessing.
..................................and the weekends go by too fast.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Homeschool Christmas Party

For the Homeschool Christmas party we were to bring homemade ornaments. So these are the ones the kids made. Surprisingly David was so excited about his. Nothing big and  fancy but they were happy. So they ate and went to the gym and had a game.!


Christmas at Papa Evans

Christmas at Papaw Evans is always on Christmas Eve. Ray and Darlene, Megan, Jason, and Mia. Mallory and Little Marshal. And Bryan's kids were all there! Our family is growing with the great grandkids but I hope we can always find time together

Having fun opening presents

Christmas with Grandma Mamie Ritchey

You have to get a cookie at Grandma Ritchey's house

Enjoy !

Sweet Kisses

We had went to see her on Christmas Eve early in the afternoon!

White Chocolate pretzels

Making something sweet! They enjoyed although it was a little messy. They wanted to do this by their self. She may get me one day for posting her with her curlers in her hair. But I love her anyway!

Christmas Program at Woodland Baptist Church.

Christmas Program at Church

David and Andrew with their Sunday School Class singing!

They were so cute and did a great job. Honestly during play practice all David wanted to sing was the Little Mermaid so the night of the program this momma was a little nervous that is what he was going to do too. I just kept hoping please sing the Christmas songs. Please sing the Christmas programs... And he did and sat well during the rest of the program the other older children put on.
 Gracie's turn! She really was the star of the program. She had the most lines to say of anyone. More than the teenagers and had to at times remind them of what their lines were when it was time for them to say a part. It was comical to us bc we could tell she was helping them. We had practiced and practiced and practiced. But will have to say she did so well remembering and putting expression in her part. Above all that she had prayed for the Christmas program. It blessed my heart. When the program was over she said "Momma do you think anyone got saved. I prayed for that."

 Are they not precious! I hope they always stay close!

Love Watching Him Play

Using His Imagination and Playing Along.

Yes his trucks  and car sets are in the kitchen. He was just playing along so I stopped and took a picture.

Dec. 2013

Rebecca's Baby Shower

There is a baby on the way! I am going to be a aunt again.!
So we threw Rebecca a baby shower together. It's a Girl!
Look at the pretty Cake Betty did.

Along with some Cake pops and more good food to eat!
 Momma finishing everything up!

Bathtub decorated with Diapers , toys etc.

Time to open presents

Friday, March 21, 2014

Christmas Parade

2013 Christmas Parade
Gracie was in the parade with her Baton class or I should say the whole studio and she did a great job. She had the opportunity to do 3 counting the one she was in but with rain and one being on the same day as the Christmas program at church. This was her first parade. I was excited for her but honestly more nervous. I know call me crazy but the King parade is a long walk, up hill etc. I was worried , she is still young and that is a lot of work. BUT MY LITTLE GIRL DID IT. She was a trooper all the way, with a great big smile on her face when she came by. Even heard from others that we knew that saw her come by how great of a job she did....
David enjoying picking up the candy!
 I enjoy this picture with Jonathan, Momma Uncle Arvil, Hunter , and Ginger! Family is precious
 Not the greatest picture as I snapped really fast bc I was so happy to see her group finally get to us.
 When she got to us I walked along the side the rest of the way with her till the end.
She makes my heart smile!
 Maybe a little tired!
